Moving text
A fun and playful animation using scale, type and colours.

Kinetic typography
A fun and playful animation using scale, type and colours.

I designed and created an animation that brings typography to life using a series of snappy transitions, a cohesive colour palette and clever hierarchy.


A common theme in this animation was contrast. For example, you can hear the sloooow vs. fast cadence of the audio, so I introduced light vs. heavy slabby blocky type and a light vs. dark colour palette.
I also experimented with different transition styles such as swiping, splitting and zooming in. It's a pretty speedy video so you might need to pause or slow the video down to spot some of those transitions.

The end result

This animation uses kinetic type to bring the bold and confident audio to life. This is my favourite type of motion because it is punchy, impactful, cuts to the chase and tells a simple story in a snappy, fun and intriguing way.

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